Tuesday, January 8, 2008

That Darn Census

I know I could get further (farther?) on my research into the Oglesby family if I could just read the 1880 Census for Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky.  But I can't.  The writing for most families is not legible.  In the year 2008 you would think someone would have come up with a way to enhance the handwriting so it can be read.  Don't those people at ancestry.com watch CSI?  (I don't watch CSI, but someone who works at ancestry.com must because a lot of people do.  Pardon my logic.)  I am so frustrated by not being able to find the Oglesbys that I need a diversion.  So I started trying to put the Google Maps function to work on my site.  




Can you say "tedious"?  Can you say "boring"?  It's all that and more.  And because I sometimes entered counties as Co., and sometimes as County, it takes a long time and a lot of editing to fix the places.  So I did a few and then stopped.  I'll do more tomorrow.  Maybe.  But the thing is, Google Maps is so cool.  It's amazing to see how close one place is to another and helps me understand how couples met.  

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