I found more information on this family; burial places for minor characters, census records that no one else had found, documentation for people who had none. Every day I find more and more information which only adds fuel to the fire burning in the pit of my stomach to get these people sorted out and be done with them.
I need to get back into my own family lines. I've got new research finding subscriptions and I use them to find...Lemmonds. I'm disgusted with myself, but like an addict searching once again for that first "high", I can't seem to stop.
Here is a photo of the beautiful Flora Adeline Lemmond who married William W Davies:
I find her to be quite lovely. There's something about her eyes. The photo comes from David Hunter Brown from Ancestry.com. Thank you, Mr. Brown, for sharing your family tree and giving me permission to use her photo. Flora was the daughter of Milas Madison Lemmond and his wife, Mary Virginia Means. Mary Means was the sister of Harriet, the mother of the woman who started me on this quest: Margaret C Lemmond McCord. So Margaret and Flora were cousins. I wonder if they had any type of family resemblance? I'd like to think so.
It's almost 2:30 in the morning. It's time to stop seeking and get some rest. The Lemmonds records will still be waiting for me when I wake up.
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