Monday, February 4, 2008

Oklahoma Oglesbys

Talked by phone to a living descendant of William Joseph Oglesby, the brother of my great-grandfather, Morgan Oglesby.  It was a most enjoyable conversation.  While this person didn't have a lot of information on the family of Daniel and Nancy, Morgan's parents, he was a font of knowledge on the history of his own branch.  He was also very appreciative of the information I've already gathered on the beginnings of his branch.  He gave me the phone number of his brother, who has, he says, more information on the family.  He also did know of Morgan and says members of his family had met him.  

I find it astounding that I've been able to find this branch as they were a true brick wall for me a little over a year ago.  I've gone from knowing only the names of my great-grandparents (and nothing more) to discovering the names of their parents and siblings and actually speaking to descendants of the family.  I guess I have a knack for this genealogy thing (and I definitely believe I have help from Uncle Dick.  It sounds crazy to believe that your dead relative is helping you find your family roots, but for me, there can be no other explaination.  So go ahead and call me crazy, I don't mind.).

I've completed customizing the front page of the genealogy website.  I'm torn between wanting to put it up immediately or waiting until I've customized the other pages as well.  I really love the design I came up with and am quite proud it.  But I'm thinking too that now that I have the design I want I could hire the rest of the customizing out so the whole thing looks polished.  I don't know why genealogy is so important to me, but it is.  I don't think it will cost much to hire someone to finish the files now that I've come up with the actual design, and I do believe I have just right this minute made up my mind that I'm going to do that.

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