Sunday, July 15, 2012

Jennie B Lemon


Had a major breakthrough this morning.  First, let me just say that I LOVE  They rock.  They are not without mistakes or problems, but they still rock.  This morning I plugged in "Lemon" and "Michigan" and found the marriage record of Jennie B Lemon.  There was not a lot of information other than she was born in Canada in 1865 (which was wrong), and that Isaac Lemon (my great-grandfather) and Francis Kinney were witnesses to her wedding to Almon B. Carter in Romeo, Macomb County, Michigan in 1886.  That was exciting enough, but then I couldn't find her in the census after 1900.  I found Almon, but he was with another wife.  In Chesaning, Michigan.  What??  Then I found records that showed Jennie died in Chesaning in 1902.  That was REALLY exciting because I could find her death certificate online.  Which I did.

Almon Carter gave the information for her death certificate.  He stated her father was "Isic", which the people at the Library of Michigan deciphered as "Ira" and her mother was "Marie Tiffin".  Yes, I was very excited.  I still am.  Jennie died of tuberulosis of the lungs and bowels and "paralysis of the heart."  She had had no children.  That was the saddest part for me.  How wonderful it would have been if I'd been able to find more "cousins." 

My great-grandfather and his wife, Isaac B and Eva B Wilder Lemon, named their youngest daughter Jennie V Lemon.  She also died young, before even having married, though she was of age to.  I believe they named her for Isaac's sister, Jennie B.

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